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Every campus and community is unique so it is important that you pick the fundraising and awareness campaigns you feel comfortable engaging in on your campus and community. 


Photo Campaign Ideas:

Give Me a Platform

Purpose: The goal of this campaign is to show that while we are all different and fighting for various goals, there is a common thread of feminism and sisterhood that brings us together. And if you give us a platform, you can bet we have something to say. 

Set up: Place a small platform and some fake microphones in a populated space on campus or in town. Invite women to stand on the platform and describe themselves and what they are fighting for within the feminist, political movement. Take their picture and record their words and turn it into a photo album on Facebook. You can also send the photos to to see the pictures featured on our website!


Blog/Vlog Ideas

Send blogs/vlogs to

Length: 300-600 words per blog and 1:00-2:00 minutes per blog


  • I Am Platform: What motivated you to join Platform? What do you hope to get out of your experience with Platform? 

  • First on My Agenda: Out of the numerous issues impacting your life and women across the country, which is the first one you want to tackle? Why this issue? What changes do you hope to see?


Fundraising Ideas:

  • Create a team and individual profile on our fundraising campaign website. Set a team and personal goal and share it widely!

  • Call or send letters and emails to families and friends explaining your involvement in Platform and that every donation helps ensure its success. 

  • Partner with a local restaurant or store and designate a day during which Platform receives a percentage of each purchase. 

  • Get a local store to donate coffee and pastries and sell them during midterms or finals.


Fundraising and Campaign Tips

Our Bodies. Our Lives. Our Futures.  

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